
Bag Opening System

by Vertical AIT

Patent Pending Bag/Box opening and packaging system for automated loading of products


  • Custom frame fixture for item placement
  • Pneumatic arms
  • Millibar gripper as end-effector
  • Yaskawa Collaborative robot


Pneumatically controlled arms are inserted into container to hold bag or box or carton open for precise item placement. PLC Controlled process ensures placement and operation is completed with high reliability. System can be loaded manually or as part of an automated or robotic process.


Soft-sided bags such as backpacks, coolers, and tackle bags aren't rigid enough to ensure proper automated placement. Our system overcomes issues related to bags and cardboard boxes not holding their shape and ensuring that carton is properly positioned for loading.


Our patent pending loading system can be customized for manual or automated loading as a stand-alone packing system or as a part of an automated manufacturing line.

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